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How to enable Microsoft Teams integration in Dynamics 365 CE

Here is next blog on “How to enable Microsoft Teams integration in Dynamics 365 CE”

  1. Sign in as a System administrator to Common Data Service.

  2. Go to Settings > Administration > System Settings > General tab.

  3. To enable basic collaboration experience, select Yes for Enable Basic Microsoft Teams Integration.

  1. 4. To enable enhanced collaboration experience, select Yes for Enable Enhanced Microsoft Teams Integration.

  2. When you select Yes to Enable Enhanced Microsoft Teams Integration, there is two consent permission popup boxes that will display. If you have a pop-up blocker and you don’t see the second consent dialog, then you need to disable the pop-up blocker in your browser.

  1. On the second consent dialog box, select the checkbox for Consent on behalf of organization and then select Accept.


If you don’t select Consent on behalf of organization option, then when another user tries to pin an entity record or view to Microsoft Teams and shares the tab with another user, they will get this error message, The admin has not consented to use user sync feature, you can add them manually.

  1. After the second consent is accepted select, Finish and then select OK on the System Settings screen. If you don’t select OK on the System Settings screen then you will lose your changes.

Once it is enabled, you need to install the Microsoft Teams App and set up the Microsoft Teams Collaboration Channel Tab In my upcoming post I will show you how to install and set up the Dynamics 365 in Microsoft Teams.

I hope this blog post helps you. If you are interested to know more about this topic then, I encourage you to check out my blog on this



Hi, I'm Dharani

I am a Principal Consultant at Capgemini Australia, specializing in Microsoft Business Applications. With a passion for knowledge sharing and community engagement, I hold the esteemed title of MVP in Business Applications and am a Microsoft Learn Expert.

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